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KIWIKO是我們為您精心挑選來自紐西蘭最獨特、天然環保,有效的產品。我們親身測試過每一項產品 , 並且只和擁有共同理念的品牌商合作。我們所有商品都是原廠供應,直接從紐西蘭空運給您。

從小到大對藝 術與創作充滿熱情、大學畢業於奧克蘭大學商學院。

高中時期的兩人是好朋友、因疫情在 2020的年中兩人決定冒險一起搬到台北發展羅藝恆的音樂和藝人生涯,並與其他藝人合作創作音樂、影音等內容。於2021年台灣因疫情升溫所有的節目跟計劃皆取消。於是我們決定趁機會回紐西蘭陪伴家人。皮膚保養一直是我們的愛好之一 ,在2021年底回家後發現紐西蘭這兩年來出現了許多創新、有趣的保養品並且採用紐西蘭本地特殊天然的原料。然而,作為世界另一端的一個小島(紐西蘭),要進入國際市場往往是一個相當大的挑戰。於是我們透過KIWIKO將紐西蘭在地的天然健康產品和美妝,分享給在台灣的你們。


When it comes to health and beauty, there are an overwhelming number of options – that’s why at KIWIKO we have searched high and low throughout New Zealand, curating only the best products so you don’t have to. We believe in a transparent, hands-on approach. We don’t sell anything we have not personally tested. We also work with brands whose ideologies and sustainability commitments we strongly believe in. We guarantee all our items are genuine, originating right here in New Zealand and delivered direct to your doorstep from our beautiful little island(s).

'KIWIKO' Founded by Kiwis Chia Liu and Laurence Larson

Laurence is a well-known New Zealand musician/producer and influencer, who was based in Beijing for six years. Chia was born in Taiwan and immigrated to New Zealand when she was seven years old. She has always been passionate about art and photography; and has a business degree from the University of Auckland.

Friends since high school, Laurence and Chia decided in mid-2020 to relocate to Taipei, where they teamed up to create content, build on Laurence’s music and artist profile, as well as work with other media companies and artists in Taiwan. With Covid-19 limiting live performances, Chia and Laurence also spent time in New Zealand in 2021-2022, reconnecting with family and forming business relationships with Kiwi creatives, entrepreneurs and manufacturers. They found a boom of fresh, authentic, locally produced products that tap into New Zealand’s unique ingredients and have sustainability at heart.
Chia and Laurence formed KIWIKO to introduce and share these amazing products across Taiwan’s rapidly growing health, wellness and beauty market. They have done the testing, tasting and translating so you can purchase in confidence. Chia: “We hope you will love the products – and most importantly, the results – as much as we have.”

毛孔救星! 消炎 ! 提亮 !  NZ Glacial Clay 紐西蘭冰川泥 X KIWIKO

毛孔救星! 消炎 ! 提亮 ! NZ Glacial Clay 紐西蘭冰川泥 X KIWIKO

適合所有膚質 減少粉刺, 延緩老化, 毛孔堵塞, 膚色不均, 控油 , 消炎, 傷口癒合 紐西蘭冰川泥的顏色來自其氧化鐵和分解物質(通常是藻類或葉綠素)的結合。越鮮豔的綠色,越有價值。 可深度清潔並提供幫助皮膚的礦物質,如鐵、二氧化矽和鈣,而 Mamaku Fern、Kawakawa、蘆薈和橄欖油可提供舒緩和軟化皮膚作用。 紐西蘭冰川泥資源位於紐西蘭南島。三百萬年前經由班克斯半島的火山灰沉積到南阿爾卑斯山腳下的淡水冰川湖中而形成的。 在近年來的測試中,發現這種泥土富含著特殊的礦物質 - 綠脫石(Nontronite) 是一種非常罕見的黏土礦物有益於皮膚癒合。 綠脫石 (Nontronite) 具有天然的高負化學電荷,可產生電吸引力以與皮膚中的化學物質和毒素中的正電荷結合。透過這個化學作用去除並吸收有害的化學物質和皮膚上的毒素。 紐西蘭冰川泥(目前只寄送台灣) : ⭐️ WWW.KIWIKO.SHOP IG : FB : ⭐️ 家瑄 IG : ⭐️精心挑選⭐️紐西蘭⭐️最新⭐️生活&保養 ⭐️Carefully curated from New Zealand 🇳🇿 🇳🇿紐西蘭公司 ✈️ 原廠供應 ♻️環保 滿NT1000免運費 Instagram : ⭐️ ⭐️ Facebook : ⭐️ ⭐️
Post Covid Selfcare✨ COVID 恢復期 💚 七月最愛 JULY FAVS  💚 !保健品+保養品 -

Post Covid Selfcare✨ COVID 恢復期 💚 七月最愛 JULY FAVS 💚 !保健品+保養品 -

We're back from dead ! (ie. covid) we know ... we know.... its almost September 👉👈 but never the less we wanted to share with you guys whats been working for us during covid and this recovery time including supplements and some new skincare products that we've discovered here in Taiwan and some new products from NZ. We hope you enjoy! and remember to take care of yourselves 😉 Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:41 植物膠原蛋白噴霧 1:18 ‘日露’ 保濕日霜 | ‘Day Dew’ Hydrating Moisturiser 2:00 益生菌精華 + 眼部面部補水精華 3:00 ACNE Cleansers 3:56 植物膠原蛋白緊緻眼霜 | Plant Collagen Eye Cream 4:40 me today 卸妝凝膠 5:40 台灣的感冒藥 5:50 增強免疫力 紫錐菊 + 維他命C + 維他命D +鋅 6:30 南非醉茄 緩解壓力膠囊|Ashwagandha 3000 7:30 蔓越莓膠囊 尿道和膀胱健康 | Cranberry 30000 8:35 水溶片 我們復生了! 我們知道......我們知道......已經快要九月了👉👈 但我們想與你們分享covid期間為以及這段恢復時間我們發現特別幫助了我們的一些保健品和一些新的保養品。一部分是我們在台灣新發現的也有一些紐西蘭的新產品。希望你喜歡! 記得喔~要照顧好自己😉 植物膠原蛋白緊緻眼霜 | Plant Collagen Eye Cream ‘日露’ 保濕日霜 | ‘Day Dew’ Hydrating Moisturiser 益生菌精華 | Renew Probiotic Serum 眼部面部補水精華 | Hydrate Eye Gel & Facial Serum 增強免疫力 紫錐菊 + 維他命C + 維他命D +鋅 | Immune Function Echinacea + Vitamin C + Vitamin D 南非醉茄 緩解壓力膠囊|Ashwagandha 3000 蔓越莓膠囊 尿道和膀胱健康 | Cranberry 30000能量水溶片 |Good Energy 能量水溶片 |Good Energy ⭐️ 精心挑選 ⭐️ 紐西蘭 ⭐️ 最新 ⭐️ 生活&保養 ⭐️ Carefully curated from New Zealand 🇳🇿 🇳🇿 紐西蘭公司 ✈️ 原廠供應 ♻️ 環保 ⭐️ KIWIKO ⭐️ 官網 : WWW.KIWIKO.SHOP Instagram : ⭐️ ⭐️ Facebook : ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ @Laurence羅藝恆 ⭐️ ◘ Laurence 羅藝恆 Facebook ◘ Laurence 羅藝恆 Spotify ◘ Laurence 羅藝恆 Instagram ⭐️ Chia 家瑄 ⭐️ ◘ Chia 家瑄 Instagram
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